Friday, April 4, 2008

Writers in the Sky

Ok, I've been doing these out of order again. This "thing" is why I already had a Zoho account when I did Thing 8, because I had signed up for ZohoWriter.

As I mentioned on the post about wikis, the Reference Department has a committee to update the policies and procedures manual. We're looking at using either a wiki or an online collaboration tool like ZohoWriter. I'm thinking this might be an easier way of working from home sometimes -- not have to e-mail documents to myself or take them home on a memory stick.

I tried out both ZohoWriter and GoogleDocs for the Declaration of Independence. When we put an image of a document on the Library portion of the MHS webpage, we usually include a transcription (example: Minnesota's constitutions). It might be interesting to do a link like this for students to take a shot at editing our historical documents! Could be fun and educational.

And I like being able to export/import all of these things right to my blog! (I did it with the Declaration, but it took up way too much space, so deleted it.)

Norton thinks that the Founding Fathers would have LOVED this. Look at all the crossing out they did!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there. I was googling the name of my company Writers in the Sky and came across your blog. I thought I'd stop in and say hello.

Yvonne Perry